Personal Data

The establishment of regulations and of a legal framework regarding the use of cookies constitutes an evolving effort. The formation of these rules is considered something really new either at a Greek or at a European level. For this exact reason, we feel the obligation to clearly and sincerely inform the users of on the policy we follow with respect to cookies.

These data are not transmitted in any other way to third parties

Information you submit to us

Our website uses cookies for the amelioration of your experience, for its possibly best operation, the appropriate browsing and connection to its pages. Cookies allow you to enjoy certain possibilities, as well as to accept advertisements in accordance with your interests (either in our website or in others). In addition to that, they help us understand the way you use the website.

The does not use cookie technology to detect the identity of its customers.

What are cookies

Cookies are small files in text format that are stored in each user’s hard drive and do not get informed on any document or file in your computer. They are used for the accommodation of user access to certain services and/or website pages for statistical purposes and in order to define areas that are not useful or popular.

3rd party cookies

When a user loads a website, it sends a request to its third-party provider to activate a service. As a reply, it sends back the required script along with the cookies, and stores them on the user’s web browser.

Of course, the loading of the third-party script and storing the cookies must be subject to the user’s consent. If they decline the use of such cookies, the website must block the script.


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Absolutely Necessary Cookies

Absolutely necessary cookies are essential for the appropriate operation of the website, they allow you to browse and use its functions, such as access to safe website areas, provision of services you have asked for etc. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. They aretechnically necessary for the operation of the website and this is why there is no possibility ofrejecting them

Performance cookies

Performance cookies collect information with respect to the way you use the website, for example, most commonly visited webpages, browser type, possible error messages etc. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous information which is no position of identifying you. Theyare exclusively used for the amelioration of the performance of our website.

How may I control cookies via browser?

Apart from the selections regarding cookies, as they are available in our website, you may control and manage cookies through the settings of the web browser you use.

The acceptance of all cookies (usually pre-set), the existence of a notice for the use of cookies and the prohibition of their use are among the choices you have (according to the browser).